【同义词辨析】 2018-02-23 胆敢temerity-chutzpah

temerity: suggests presumptuous boldness arising from rashness and contempt of danger: had the ~ to ask for a favor after that insult.

audacity: implies a disregard of restraints commonly imposely by convention and prudence: an entrepreneur with ~ and vision.

hardihood: implies firmness of purpose in daring and defiance: no serious scientist had the ~ to claim that.

effrontery: implies shameless and arrogant disregard of propriety and coutesy: had the ~ to tell me how to do my job.

nerve: an informal equivalent of effrontery, stresses hardihood: the ~ of that guy.

cheek: also a substitue for effrontery, implies impudent self-assurance: has the ~ to bill herself as a singer.

gall: like nerve and cheek, but stresses insolence: had the ~ to demand some evidence.

chutzpah: adds to nerve and gall the notion of supreme confidence: his ~ got him into the exclusive party.

temerity: 自以为是莽撞冒失,audacity: 不顾通常克制, hardihood: 顽抗坚持(明显不合理)==>一意孤行, effrontery: 无耻, nerve: 也是无耻无礼,强调顽强, cheek: 也是无耻无礼,强调不该有的自(impudent:不谦虚体面), gall: 也是无耻无礼,强调高傲(insolence:羞辱般高傲),chutzpah: 意思相似,但表示非常自信

记忆方法: 1) 首字母联想TAHEGNCC==>TA HE Guo Nan 2Cai: 他俩大发国难财==>厚颜无耻

          2) 都表示无耻胆大, 前三个偏向胆大,后五个偏向无耻.

          3)胆敢的意思是明显恶劣的大胆(明目张胆)mean conspicuous or flagrant boldness.